时间的轮回里,暮年老法官在年轻红衣女子这学会了一些参悟一生都没明白的答案,真相假象到底哪个更重要呢?人们苦苦追寻,猜疑,论证,而后得到似是而非的所谓真相. 可真实性谁又能打包票呢? 两条平行线也有相交的时刻,it's the fate.爱你所爱,做你所想.所以,决定这个暑期去凤凰一个月,边打工边感受某人某事
But at least my heart is starting to heal, slowly but surely. And How I cried, It was like a little, uh, thunderstorm on my face. But I'm a man, okay? So I need to pull myself together, pick up a pen and get it all out in my journal. I mean, it's not all bad, right?