2015.02.04在看:反恐、体制内的黑暗、种族/移民冲突还有啊对英国圆脸小个男完全没有抵抗力_(:зゝ∠)_/// 上次只看了半集就没看了羡慕自己现在可以一口气补六季原来不是反恐剧但真的气死好大喜功不作为欺上瞒下互相包庇angry!!! 史蒂夫老师说得对:When you're in a hole, stop digging. #学到一个laddering一个TICs, offences to be taken into consideration.
As a fan who has seen all the 007 movies, I enjoy the process how the old classic style gradually turns to a modern high-tech way but still full of elegant tasteful elements. Those amazing fighting scenes make you feel happy to live in nowadays and also to have known the past.