novel by E.M. Forster // Nature pulls one way and human nature another. // if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars // what it would profit him if he gained the whole world and lost his own soul? Nothing, but he would not gain his soul until he had gained a little of the world. // music by Richard Robbins
「天堂在\/线中文官网」 ——一场出轨引发的血案 “我已经拯救过你一次这一次换你拯救我” 没想到会在电影院因为惊悚片里夹杂的爱情戏份大哭这么决然的女主就不该为了丈夫放弃自己可以成为整个医院最好的外科大夫 很少看到电影1/3就开始反转2/3再反转结果再小小反转www.4甚至男主角都是姗姗来迟你以为是两个时空的蝴蝶效应其实是三个时空的努力小尼克在车站拿着薇拉画像找人BGM下渐渐长大虽然有猜到大尼克的身份但是那个音乐真的太优秀女警察出现问“还记得我吗”时是真的会心一笑当然记得 女主智商全程在线女儿要汉子也要找回女儿踹渣男寻真爱that's a happy ending~ 这次身为希区柯克迷弟的导演把自己五年前和妻子分手的爱情故事改成惊悚片拍了出来真是厉害了……